
To order landline phone services and accessories, you can request a voice catalogue item (staff login required) or call the Voice Operations Telephone Helpline on (07) 3365 1000

For organisations external to UQ, all requests must be made via the Voice Operations Telephone Helpline on (07) 3365 1000


Your phone will be delivered and connected by ITS. Once installed, you can follow the instructions to set-up a voicemail mailbox or PIN, if required.

Handset quick reference guides

Moving offices or desks

If you change departments or desks and take your landline with you, request a voice catalogue item (staff login required) so your contact and billing information can be updated.

  • Provide a list of staff names and phones being moved including the extension number, current location, and new location.
  • If the phones will remain in the current location, provide a contact who will be taking over the space so ownership and charges can be transferred.
  • If the phones are no longer of use, provide a list so the extensions can be deleted, and handsets returned for e-waste.

Reporting issues

For any landline phone issues, complete the telephone faults web form (staff login required), or contact the Voice Operations Telephone Helpline on (07) 3365 1000.

We're here to help

Before contacting us, try browsing or searching for common questions.

Submit staff IT request